18 septembre 2023

Soirée d'accueil 20 septembre 2023

 Chers Amis,

The next meeting of the Cercle Français de Belfast will take place on ….

… mercredi 20 septembre 2023 à 19h30 and will be online as a Zoom meeting

Topic: Soirée d’accueil

It’s la rentrée and time to catch up with members near and far with our online launch of the new season. After announcing details of talks and other events we open the mics for an hour of member chat in À vous la parole ! Tell us about your experience of France and things French since we last met. Thinking of joining? Ask us about the cercle.

*Please note: While information about our events is circulated to everyone on our mailing list the links giving access to our Zoom meetings are sent only to members and to guests who have paid for one-off attendance (£5). For more information please contact cfbelfast@gmail.com.

The Zoom link will be sent to members and registered guests on the morning of the event.

Looking forward to seeing you on 20 septembre.

À bientôt, Philip