01 octobre 2013

Bulletin mensuel - Octobre

Mercredi 16 octobre 2013
à 19h.30
in Dark Horse Coffee House,
30-34, Hill Street Belfast BT1 2LB

Topic   Marseille-Provence: European Capital of Culture 2013
Speaker:  Nigel Harkness

look at the changing face of Marseille along with some of the events chosen to celebrate its recognition as the European Capital of Culture.  Been to Marseille this year?  Any photos that others might like to see?

French films at QFT

French films at QFT this month come not from France but from Switzerland courtesy of ‘Focus on Swiss Film’, part of the Ulster Bank Belfast Festival at Queen’s.  Two of the three films featured are in French – at least as far as I could tell from a quick look at their bande annonce.

La petite chambre
(The Little Room)
Mon 21 Oct, 6.30pm
Dir: Stéphanie Chuat& Véronique Reymond
Cast: Michel Bouquet, Florence Loiret Caille
 2010 • 1 Hr 27 Mins
English Subtitles

Fiercely independent, Edmond fights against the very idea of entering a retirement home, whilst at the same time refusing help from Rose, his carer. An accident, however, forces Edmond to accept Rose’s support.

Hiver nomade
(Winter Nomads)
Tues 22 Oct, 6.30pm
Dir: Manuel Von Stürler
2012 • 1 Hr 30 Mins
English Subtitles

Carole and Pascal leave for their winter migration with three donkeys, four dogs and a flock of sheep: three months of braving cold and snow. At night, a tarpaulin and sheepskins are their only shelter. A contemporary adventure film that takes us back to our roots and poses questions about today’s society.

The third film in the series ‘Jump’ is in Italian and also looks interesting. For further details of it and all the films in QFT’S programme see …..
And for full details of the Ulster Bank Belfast Festival at Queen’s see …..

French Dancing

Sadly there will be no Fest Deiz session this month but I’m happy to tell you that Amélie and friends will be back on the second Saturday of next month (9th Nov.).  I’ve also just heard that, following the great success of their first Belfast Bal with Philippe Plard last May and the Fête de la musique in June, Bal Feirste will be organising another Bal in the basement of McHughs in Belfast on Friday 22nd November.  The star performers this time will be the superb group "Deux Sans Frontières".  More information on both events in next months email.

A bientôt,  Philip

18 septembre 2013

CFB Opening Night

Thanks to all who attended the opening night of the CFB's 2013-14 season.
We hope you like the upcoming programme and enjoyed the music, the dancing and the chat. Do please let us know.  Did you take any pictures? Any you would like to share?

Extra! events
There was quite a lot of French spoken tonight, and the Extra! events we are planning will feature much more.  We'll be supplying details on the first of these shortly and wondered whether it would be useful to provide some advance language information likely to be covered in the topic.  What do you think? What would help?

Remember Culture Night is this Friday, 20 September.

05 septembre 2013

Cercle Français de Belfast: 2013-14 programme: Treat for the senses!

Welcome to the new season! Click on the tab above and you will find details of this year's programme. We hope you agree that it is a treat for the senses and that you will make it to as many events as possible.
We had a very successful programme last year with record attendances and we are aiming for even more success this year. It would be great to see guest numbers translating to membership numbers so if, regularly, you bring guests to meetings consider asking them to become members in their own right.
At the AGM members discussed the types and subscription rates for membership. It was decided that there would be no change to Individual and Joint rates and that student membership should be amended to make a distinction between those in full-time and continuing education. The subscription rates for 2013-14 are shown on the renewal form available for printing at the Rejoignez-nous tab.
We intend to offer Extra! events and details of these will be posted in our bulletin mensuel, which will also include a reminder of each event in our main programme along with information about others relating to France or French that we think might interest you.
Remember to click back here often for news and reviews of our events. You can also find information regarding the programmes of our and other Cercles Français, supported by the Alliance Française de Londres at http://cercles.alliancefrancaise.org.uk/index.htm
Be sure to get good value from your subscription by attending as many events as possible and encouraging your guests to become members. You know it makes sense!
CFB committee

CFB New Season: Opening event

Mercredi 18 septembre 2013 à 19h.30, Dark Horse Coffee House, 30-34, Hill Street Belfast BT1 2LB
Joyeuse ouverture, musique et présentation du programme
Welcome to the new season! In addition to highlighting the programme, members will be invited to let us know the what and why of their favourite French song. An opportunity to listen and share!

Bulletin mensuel - AOUT

Are you thinking of learning French over the winter? Then, no matter what your level, there are plenty of opportunities to do so in Belfast.

Stranmillis College Belfast:

French Conversation for Intermediates
Session: Tuesday, 12 weeks
Time: 7.30pm – 9.00pm
Dates: 17th September – 10th December
Cost: £55.00 (concession £45.00)

Note: The very popular French Conversation for Upper Intermediates is now fully subscribed.
For details of the full programme of Lifelong Learning at Stranmillis see …

Enrolment form can be found at …..
Or Telephone: 028 9038 4345

Crescent Arts Centre, Belfast

Beginners (LEVEL 1): Thursdays 6-7.30pm - 12 weeks starting 19th September
Lower Intermediate (LEVEL 2): Wednesdays 7-8.30pm - 12 weeks starting 18th September
Intermediate (LEVEL 3): Wednesdays 5.30-7pm - 12 weeks starting 18th September
Upper Intermediate (LEVEL 4): Thursdays 8-9.30pm - 12 weeks starting 19th September
Advanced (LEVEL 5): Wednesdays 4-5.30pm - 12 weeks starting 18th September
For further details or to enrol see ….

or telephone (028) 9024 2338 

Queens University Belfast

Each year Open Learning at Queens University offers classes in French at different levels (Beginners Level, Intermediate level and Advanced level). The classes are for those who wish to learn for business reasons or for going on holiday. All language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary building) are practised, with an emphasis on oral communication.
For further details see …

Belfast Metropolitan College

There is a wide range of French courses on offer at Belfast Metropolitan College including ….

For further details see the college’s part-time prospectus at …
or telephone 028 9026 5000

07 février 2013

A herbal and Herbier de Bretagne

Poetry at the Cercle last night. A reading from Seamus Heaney's A Herbal along with Eugene de Guillevic's Herbier de Bretagne.

09 janvier 2013

Fête des rois à Dark Horse

Anthea and Seamus, crowned queen and king at the Cercle Français de Belfast's annual fête des rois.

The evening, which had attracted a full house was animated very professionally by Vanessa Franchetti and her accomplished team of dancers and musicians.
Her team also provided the home-baked galettes shared among participants and helped down with either a glass of wine or cider.
The event included dance demonstrations including an impromptu Can Can from the recently crowned Anthea and Seamus.  Here is a short video of a set piece performed by four dancers.  The video was  taken by Michael and gives some of the atmosphere of the evening.

Thanks Michael, and everyone else who came along.